Saturday, 17 May 2014



We felt an apology is needed for the lack of posts on our blog over the last few months! We have really missed writing posts but we have just been super busy and it has meant that our blog has been neglected. 

Anyway, now that I have finally finished my degree at university, I can have a life and that means that I can spend more time writing posts on our blog! I did try my hardest to juggle my uni work and our blog but I really struggled and I felt that my uni work had to take priority over the last few months! 

We can't wait to get back into the swing of things with our blog and Nada and I have got some exciting post ideas which we really hope you will enjoy! 

Sorry once again from the bottom of our hearts! 

Lots of love

Louise and Nada



  1. Welcome back girls! Can't wait to see new posts :)

    Yazmin xx
